What is the meaning of Quba?

(intransitive) to lie down in hiding, to sleep in the open.

The term “Quba” (قُبَاء) is an Arabic word that generally refers to a high or elevated place. In the context of Masjid Quba in Medina, Saudi Arabia, it is believed that the name is derived from the geographical location of the mosque, as it is situated on a high ground. The name “Quba” reflects the elevated and significant status of this mosque in Islamic history.

The QUBA Mosque مَسْجِد قُبَاء‎ Masjid Qubā  Hejazi Arabic pronunciation Masjid is a mosque located in Medina in the Hejazi Region of Saudi Arabia, built in the lifetime of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad SAW in the 7th century C E It is thought to be the First Misjid in the World, built on the first day of Muhammad’s Emigration  to Medina. Its first stone is said to have been laid by the prophet, and the structure completed by his Companion.

What is the history of Masjid Quba?

Quba Mosque, the first mosque in Islam, was built-up by Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) in 622 AD, the year when he migrated from Makkah to Yathrib, an event considered by Muslims the start of the Islamic calendar. Accordingly, it is over 14 centuries old!

Masjid Quba, also known as the Quba Mosque, holds a significant place in Islamic history as the first mosque ever built. Located in the city of Medina in present-day Saudi Arabia, it is considered one of the holiest sites in Islam. The construction of Masjid Quba is closely associated with the early days of the Islamic faith and the migration of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) from Mecca to Medina.

The history of Masjid Quba is linked to the events surrounding the migration (Hijra) of the Prophet Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Medina in 622 CE (in the Islamic calendar, this corresponds to the year 1 AH – After Hijra). During the Prophet’s journey, when he arrived in the vicinity of Quba (a suburb of Medina), he and his companions were welcomed by the local residents. It is narrated in various Islamic sources that the Prophet stayed in Quba for several days, during which he laid the foundation of the mosque.

The construction of Masjid Quba is mentioned in the Quran in Surah At-Tawbah (9:108), where it is referred to as a mosque founded upon righteousness from the first day. The mosque was established as a center for worship, community gatherings, and as a symbol of unity among the early Muslim community in Medina.

Masjid Quba has special significance in Islam, and it is recommended for Muslims to perform a voluntary prayer (Sunnah) upon reaching the Mosque. Visiting Masjid Quba and offering prayers there is considered a virtuous act in Islamic tradition.

Over the centuries, Masjid Quba has undergone renovations and expansions, maintaining its status as a place of worship and historical significance. Pilgrims and visitors to Medina often make it a point to visit Masjid Quba as part of their religious and spiritual journey.

Who Constructed Masjid Mosque Quba in Islamic history?

Masjid Quba was constructed by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), his companions and the Muslims of Makkah (Muhajireen), and the Muslims of Madinah (Ansar).

Masjid Quba, also known as the Quba Mosque, is considered the first mosque built by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in Islamic history. The construction of the mosque took place in the early years of the Islamic calendar, specifically in the month of Rabi’ al-Awwal, during the first year of the Islamic calendar, which corresponds to the year 622 CE.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) participated in the construction of the mosque himself, along with his companions. The mosque holds historical significance as it is mentioned in several Hadiths (sayings and actions of the Prophet) for its virtues and the rewards associated with praying in it. The exact details of the construction process may not be extensively documented, but it is well-established in Islamic tradition that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) played a central role in building Masjid Quba.

What did the Prophet say about Masjid Quba?

The Prophet (ﷺ) said “Whoever purifies himself in his house, then comes to the mosque of Quba and prays in it, he will have a reward like the Umrah pilgrimage.” The rewards of praying in Masjid al Nabawi is better than 1000 prayers in any other Mosque while praying in Masjid al-Haram is 100,000 times better.

What is the Masjid Quba also called?

Masjid-e-Quba (Quba Mosque), also known as the very 1st Masjid of Islam, Founded by the Prophet Muhammad صلی الله علیہ وسلم. while he was migrating to Madina from Makkah.

Masjid Quba is also known as the Quba Mosque. It is one of the oldest mosques in Islam and holds great significance in Islamic history. The mosque is located in the city of Medina in Saudi Arabia.

Why is Masjid Quba famous?

Quba Mosque owes its importance to being most probably the first mosque in the world as it was built in the village of Quba at the time of the Prophet Mohammed. It must be said that the existing structure is from the 20th century when the original mosque was torn down and replaced with a new one.

Masjid Quba (Quba Mosque) is famous for several reasons, primarily due to its historical and religious significance in Islam. Here are some key reasons for its fame:

  1. First Mosque in Islam: Quba Mosque is recognized as the first mosque ever built in Islam. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) personally participated in its construction when he arrived in Medina after the migration (Hijra) from Mecca. The mosque was built on the 12th of Rabi’ al-awwal, the same day that the Prophet arrived in Quba.
  2. Spiritual Importance: The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) established the practice of visiting Quba Mosque regularly. It is reported in several Hadiths (sayings and actions of the Prophet) that he used to visit the mosque every Saturday, walking from Medina to Quba, to offer prayers there. This tradition is known as the Sunnah of Quba.
  3. Blessings and Rewards: According to Islamic tradition, performing ablution (wudu) at one’s home and then offering two rak’ahs (units of prayer) in Quba Mosque is said to bring great spiritual rewards. There are narrations that emphasize the significance and blessings associated with visiting and praying in Masjid Quba.
  4. Mention in the Quran: The Quba Mosque is mentioned in the Quran in Surah At-Tawbah (9:108), where Allah mentions a mosque founded on piety from the first day. Scholars believe that this refers to Masjid Quba.

Due to these factors, Masjid Quba holds a special place in the hearts of Muslims, and its historical and religious significance continues to attract visitors and worshipers from around the world.

Where did the Prophet stay in Masjid Quba?

On arriving in the village of Quba after the blessed Hijra (migration), the Prophet (ﷺ) stayed for several days in the house of Kulthoom bin Hadm (رضي الله عنه) and laid the foundations of Masjid Quba on his land.

When Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) migrated from Mecca to Medina, he stayed initially in Quba before entering the city of Medina. The specific place where the Prophet stayed in Quba is commonly known as the house of Kulthum ibn al-Hidam.

Kulthum ibn al-Hidam, a Companion of the Prophet, offered his house to the Prophet as a place to stay during his initial days in Quba. It was in Quba that the foundation of the Quba Mosque was laid, and the Prophet participated in its construction. After a few days in Quba, the Prophet continued his journey and entered the city of Medina, where he received a warm welcome from the residents.

How many days did the Prophet saw stay in Quba?

After a fourteen-days stay at Quba, Muhammad started for Medina, participating in his first Friday prayer on the way, and upon reaching the city was greeted cordially by its people.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) stayed in Quba for about 14 days. After his migration from Mecca to Medina, he arrived in Quba on the 8th day of the Islamic month of Rabi’ al-Awwal. He spent several days in Quba, which included the construction of the Quba Mosque. Then, on the 12th day of Rabi’ al-Awwal, he proceeded to Medina and entered the city on the 16th day of the same month. During his stay in Quba, the Prophet laid the foundation for the Quba Mosque and established it as the first mosque in Islam.

Summary for Masjid Quba.

Masjid/Mosque Quba has been relevant and important since its creation. Being the First-Ever and the Second largest Mosque – Masjid constructed, Masjid Quba has always been one of the most Sacred Places for Prayer. The Significance of Masjid Quba can be understood by the fact that everything from its Creation to its Evolution is mentioned abundantly and in Crystal Clear Phrasing. So, if you plan to pay a visit to Madinah Sharif (the city of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)) in Saudi Arabia, we recommend visiting the beautiful Masjid Quba to offer two Rakat prayers.

Masjid Quba, also known as the Quba Mosque, is situated in the city of Medina, Saudi Arabia. It holds significant historical and religious importance in Islam. Key points about Masjid Quba include:

  1. First Mosque in Islam: Masjid Quba is recognized as the first mosque ever built in Islam. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) actively participated in its construction upon his arrival in Medina.
  2. Spiritual Significance: The Prophet regularly visited Quba Mosque every Saturday, establishing a tradition known as the Sunnah of Quba. Performing ablution at home and offering prayers at Quba Mosque are considered spiritually rewarding in Islamic tradition.
  3. Blessings and Rewards: Islamic tradition holds that praying at Masjid Quba carries special blessings. The mosque is mentioned in the Quran, emphasizing its sanctity.
  4. Prophet’s Stay: Upon migrating to Medina, Prophet Muhammad initially stayed in Quba for about 14 days. The house of Kulthum ibn al-Hidam is where he lodged during this period.

In summary, Masjid Quba is renowned as the first mosque in Islam, has spiritual significance, and is associated with the early days of Prophet Muhammad’s residence in Medina. It continues to attract visitors and holds a special place in the hearts of Muslims.


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