In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent,
the most Merciful.

(In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent,
the most Merciful.)

Contents of The Constitution of Pakistan 1973:-

The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, originally enacted in 1973 Constitution of Pakistan, is a comprehensive document that outlines the legal framework and fundamental principles governing the country. Below is a summary of its key contents, divided into major parts and chapters:


The preamble sets the foundational principles, emphasizing the sovereignty of Allah, the democratic nature of the state, and the protection of fundamental rights and freedoms.

Whereas sovereignty over the entire Universe belongs to Almighty
Allah alone, and the authority to be exercised by the people of Pakistan
within the limits prescribed by Him is a sacred trust;

Part I: Introductory of Constitution of Pakistan 1973

پاکستان کے آئین 1973 کا تعارف

  • Article 1: The Republic and its territories
  • Article 2: Islam as the state religion
  • Article 2A: Objectives Resolution to form part of substantive provisions
  • Article 3-6: Elimination of exploitation, loyalty to the state, high treason

Part II: Fundamental Rights and Principles of Policy

Chapter 1: Fundamental Rights

  • Articles 8-28: Include rights such as security of person, safeguards as to arrest and detention, freedom of movement, assembly, association, trade, speech, and religion, and the right to property.

Chapter 2: Principles of Policy

  • Articles 29-40: Include promotion of Islamic way of life, full participation of women in national life, protection of family, minority rights, and promotion of social justice.

Part III: The Federation of Pakistan

Chapter 1: The President

  • Articles 41-49: Details the election, qualifications, and functions of the President.

Chapter 2: The Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)

  • Articles 50-89: Comprises the Senate and National Assembly, their powers, functions, and legislative procedures.

Part IV: Provinces

Chapter 1: The Governor

  • Articles 101-105: Appointment, powers, and functions of Governors of provinces.

Chapter 2: Provincial Assemblies

  • Articles 106-112: Composition, powers, and functions of provincial assemblies.

Part V: Relations Between Federation and Provinces

Chapter 1: Distribution of Legislative Powers

  • Articles 141-144: Distribution of powers between the Federation and the Provinces.

Chapter 2: Administrative Relations

  • Articles 145-152: Coordination between the Federation and Provinces.

Part VI: Finance, Property, Contracts, and Suits

Chapter 1: Finance

  • Articles 160-165: Distribution of revenues between the Federation and Provinces, and other financial matters.

Chapter 2: Borrowing and Audit

  • Articles 166-171: Government borrowing and auditing of public accounts.

Part VII: The Judicature

Chapter 1: The Courts

  • Articles 175-212: Structure, powers, and functions of the Supreme Court, High Courts, and Federal Shariat Court.

Part VIII: Elections

  • Articles 213-226: Establishment and functions of the Election Commission, and conduct of elections.

Part IX: Islamic Provisions

  • Articles 227-231: All laws to be consistent with Islam, establishment of Council of Islamic Ideology, and Islamic research institutes.

Part X: Emergency Provisions

  • Articles 232-237: Provisions for declaring a state of emergency and its implications.

Part XI: Amendment of the Constitution

  • Articles 238-239: Procedure for amending the Constitution.

Part XII: Miscellaneous

  • Articles 240-280: Civil service, armed forces, national language, and other miscellaneous provisions.


  • First Schedule: Laws exempted from the operation of Article 8(1) and (2).
  • Second Schedule: Election procedures.
  • Third Schedule: Oaths of office for various officials.
  • Fourth Schedule: Distribution of legislative powers between the Federation and the Provinces.
  • Fifth Schedule: Provisions for the Auditor General.
  • Sixth Schedule: Election Commission and their terms of office.
  • Seventh Schedule: List of laws repealed or amended by the Constitution.

This summary provides an overview of the Constitution’s structure and main provisions. For detailed reading, it is recommended to refer to the full text of the Constitution.


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