Part I: Introductory of Constitution of Pakistan 1973?

The Constitution of Pakistan 1973 is the supreme law of the land, Establishing the Framework for the Country’s Political and its legal systems. It was adopted on August 14, 1973, marking a significant milestone in Pakistan’s history. Here is an introductory overview:-

Historical Context:-

The Constitution of 1973 was formulated after a tumultuous period in Pakistan’s history, including the secession of East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) in 1971. It replaced the earlier constitutions of 1956 and 1962, both of which had been abrogated following military coups.


The preamble sets the ideological foundation of the Constitution, emphasizing the sovereignty of Allah, democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance, and social justice as enunciated by Islam. It also commits to the protection of fundamental rights and the independence of the judiciary.


The Constitution is divided into several parts, each dealing with different aspects of the state’s functioning:

  1. The Federation of Pakistan: Establishes Pakistan as a federal republic with a parliamentary form of government. It delineates the powers and functions of the federal government and the provincial governments.
  2. Fundamental Rights and Principles of Policy: Enumerates the fundamental rights guaranteed to citizens, including freedom of speech, religion, and assembly, as well as the right to equality before the law. It also outlines the Principles of Policy, which guide the governance and legislative processes to ensure social justice and welfare.
  3. The President and the Parliament: Defines the roles and powers of the President, who is the ceremonial head of state, and the Parliament, which comprises the National Assembly and the Senate. It details the legislative process, the election of members, and the functioning of both houses.
  4. The Government: Describes the structure and functions of the executive branch, headed by the Prime Minister, who is the chief executive. It also outlines the role of federal ministers and the Federal Cabinet.
  5. The Judicature: Establishes an independent judiciary with the Supreme Court at its apex. It also includes provisions for the establishment and functioning of High Courts and lower courts.
  6. Relations Between Federation and Provinces: Regulates the distribution of powers and responsibilities between the federal government and the provinces, ensuring a balance of authority and cooperation.
  7. Finance, Property, Contracts, and Suits: Deals with financial matters, including the federal and provincial budgets, taxation, and the management of public property.
  8. Elections: Provides for the organization of free and fair elections, including the establishment of an independent Election Commission.
  9. Islamic Provisions: Integrates Islamic principles into the governance framework, mandating that all laws must be consistent with the teachings of Islam as laid down in the Quran and Sunnah.
  10. Miscellaneous Provisions: Covers various other aspects such as the procedure for constitutional amendments, the conduct of referendums, and emergency provisions.


The Constitution of 1973 is significant for several reasons:-

  • Democratic Foundation: It firmly establishes Pakistan as a democratic republic, ensuring the separation of powers among the executive, legislature, and judiciary.
  • Federal Structure: It recognizes the diversity within the country by providing a federal structure that accommodates provincial autonomy.
  • Islamic Identity: It harmonizes the country’s Islamic identity with modern principles of governance and human rights.
  • Protection of Rights: It guarantees fundamental rights to all citizens, promoting equality and justice.

Constitutional Amendments:-

The Constitution has been amended multiple times to address emerging political, social, and economic challenges. Notable amendments include the 8th Amendment, which increased the powers of the President, and the 18th Amendment, which significantly enhanced provincial autonomy.

Constitutional Conclusion:-

The Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973, Remains the cornerstone of Pakistan’s legal and political systems. Guiding the Country’s Governance and ensuring the protection of Citizens’ Fundamental Rights. It is adoption marked a commitment to Democracy, Federalism, and the Rule of law, Reflecting the aspirations and values of the Pakistani People.


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