Article by : Adv. Shahid Akbar

Now a days due to COVID there is lock down and Schools are also closed.

As alternate, the education system in Pakistan is turning from conventional Schooling system to Online Education System

But there are many problem being faced by common man regarding online Education

First Issue

Teachers are not trained and not fully equipped to Educate through Online

Second Issue

There are different category of are in city, some areas are very rich, some areas are somewhat rich. Peoples of these areas do not have any issue but there are also middle or lower category areas of society which people do not have freely access to Internet and also they don’t have good equipment like Laptop. Internet connection so these people cannot afford to educate their child by way of online education. It is creating category difference between society.

Third Issue

Electric shut down issue in middle or low category area is very common, layman says that the time the online classes going on at same time they face electricity shut done issue so their child miss the contents of their online class. Layman also say that for each child they need separate equipment like Laptop or Mobile which they can not afford.

Circumstance Problem

Society as a whole is not aware of implementing the online education system.

Legal Framework

Under Constitution it is fundamental right of every citizen to have access to education

Conclusion and Request to Government

Provide Free High Speed Internet Facility to every citizen

Provide Free Laptop to every child (if his parents can not afford to purchase laptop)

Make sure that Electricity must not shut down during the online classes timing

Make team of software experts to train the teacher that how to provide online education

Any other facility which Govt. think necessary to support the child in getting online education

Categories: Education


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